With a deep desire to rise above the barriers of I-Know-Better and you decide to overcome self-imposed limitations of your mind and actions
When your realise that you can accomplish more if you are open to change and acquire the passion to get more of life by self-motivation
When you have gained clarity on what is really important to you and you get all these into focus as long term goals & desired accomplishments
When you plan, prortise & purposefully get started on your important goals and enlarge time spent on the key actions that progress you to results
When you organise to regularly review your planned progress on preset schedules, introspecting on solutions and strive to positive outcomes
When you train yourself to learn regularly from what you do, find strengths to reuse, identify weaknesses and work on their proactive resolution
With the knowledge that you always have to interact with others and develop the urge & empathy to get the best win-win out of all interactions
When you seek and exemplify positive values, pointedly refuse the negative and, lastly, do not ever forget your smiles