The Powers of affirmations and visualisation by Dr Hiru Bijlani

The Powers of affirmations and visualisation by Dr Hiru Bijlani

AFFIRMATION & VISUALIZATION AFFIRMATIONS:Affirmations transform your thinking you attitudes and finally your behavior and helps to produce the results you desire.An affirmation is a positive declaration of what you want to be, what you want to have or how you want to live your life.Affirmation has been given man names self-motivation, self-commands auto suggestions or self-talk.An … Read more

Striving to Understand Self and Others

Mutual understanding depends on understanding oneself and understanding others. What motivates people to act as they do? When you determine the answer to this question for specific individuals, you will more likely communicate in a way that results in a positive change. Human beings are complicated and no simplistic rules exist for understanding what causes … Read more