

It is very important to take some time to analyze your results for the first half of the year. Where do you stand on your goals? Are you on track? Ahead or behind? One of the keys to accomplishing goals is to constantly measure your progress and make adjustments as needed. The same way a spaceship or airplane is always … Read more

Increase Self Esteem to Improve Success

The most effective system of motivation is based on the satisfaction of individual needs. Become sensitive to the needs of the people you wish to motivate and help them fill their ever-expanding appetites for achievement, recognition, self-expression, and a sense of belonging. True motivation comes from within and is the responsibility of the individual. You … Read more

Increase Productivity with Training

You now occupy a place of leadership because you are producing results. You can become even more effective by maintaining a training and development program that increases productivity in a workgroup. Productivity grows through an ongoing training and development program that helps people make maximum use of their potential. A successful training and development program … Read more

Clear Directions Lead to Successful Results

You are constantly teaching, training, and developing other people. Every time you give someone an assignment or tell a person what to do, how to do it, and when it must be completed, you use some technique of instruction. By becoming more aware of these everyday opportunities for training and development, you can turn informal … Read more

Overcome Negativity and Past Failures


As you grow in personal leadership, the excitement you experience in achieving new goals is so fulfilling that you will never want to give up the rewards of this way of life. The gratification you receive from exercising personal leadership makes it hard to believe that it would be possible to live any other way. … Read more

A Good Manager is Better Than a Therapist!

By Nick Howes, Master Licensee of LMI UK If you are someone’s direct manager then, whether you like it or not, you are one of the most important and influential people in that person’s life! It’s a familiar story. You’re getting along with doing your job, you care about doing it well and you’re getting good … Read more

Elimination for Results

By Jonah Erbe “The average American worker works for 8.8 hours per day. However, the average American worker is only productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes per day.” – Bureau of Labor Statistics Productivity does not equate to working longer hours. In fact, productivity equates more to lowering average amount of time worked and … Read more

Fight Fires Calmly and Effectively

Effective problem solving

The most productive individuals are those who have mastered the art of taking care of emergency situations, unexpected and unplanned, that require immediate attention to prevent serious consequences. “Firefighting” is the usual term for handling a crisis. “Firefighting” ranges from such relatively simple problems as soothing an unhappy customer to solving a major emergency production … Read more

Open the Door to Effective Communication

Effective Communication

Anything that hampers listening sets up barriers that prevent understanding and closes the door to the goal of communication – producing constructive action. Barriers to listening are found in physical situations, in attitudes, and in behavior. Awareness of barriers allows you to take appropriate action to keep the door to communication open. Physical Barriers Environmental … Read more