A Better Future

A Better Future

“We are always planning and scheming a better future than the present that we’re actually living in.” – Tyler Staton

A senate subcommittee in 1967 jointly predicted by the year 1985, that individuals would be working 27 hours a week for 22 weeks a year because of all the leisure time that advances in technology were going to free up for us. When in reality leisure time across the west decreased by 37% in that very time span.

In fact, the psychologist Ed Detschy shows that the average individual has worked more with each passing decade since the sixties to the tune that today the average full-time job has a full month added onto it, to what was true in the sixties. Technological advances have been as extraordinary as predicted. But sadly, all that technology has made it possible for us to carry our work around with us everywhere instead of leaving work for frequent and longer stretches.

It has worked in exactly the opposite way as predicted multiplying our labor, not multiplying our leisure and results. Another surprising insight is that, although we are working more, we are actually achieving less productivity than before. In fact, productivity decreased by an astounding 2.1% in the first quarter of 2023 alone!

We are working more, achieving less, producing less results, and resting less. This leads to tragic trends and findings.

40% of Americans today are by definition sleep deprived, meaning getting less than the medically prescribed 7 hours of sleep minimum per night. The National Sleep Foundation has found that the average person sleeps about 20% less today than they did a 100 years ago. Doctor Sandra Koetje concludes that sleep deprivation is at the very root of a number of psychological disorders that we’re seeing spike in our society today.

Some of these disorders on the rise are:

  • Higher mental distress
  • 3x higher rate of anxiety and depression than those who sleep and rest more frequently
  • 2x more negative mood changes
  • Higher insomnia rates
  • Higher resting heart rates

Sadly, a record number of individuals are simply ignoring the problem of over-stress, over-work, burnout, and sleep deprivation by inducing sleep medically through some type of drug. This may seem like rest is occurring, but this kind of sleep shuts down sleep receptors and does not restore the brain in the same way as natural rest does.

We are overworked, under-rested, and discontent. The contradiction living within so many of us today is that we are busy, bored and afraid of missing out all at the same time.

Our lives are full of activity, much of which we live distracted, half present at best to the people in places that we actually are. We are always planning and scheming a better future than the present in which we actually live.

What if there was a better way? What if you did not need to decide between achieving less or having a life that you enjoy? Actually, this is quite attainable. It is called productivity.

Society tries to tell you that “productivity” equals “busyness.” This is simply not the case.

Some of the most productive people you know are far from busy. They do not have full inboxes. They are getting sleep and rest. They are able to explore hobbies outside of work. They have fantastic home lives. They also produce amazing results at work. You can actually have it all! But how?

You must learn to eliminate anything that is not producing real results in your life and your work. Replace scrolling on social media with date nights with your spouse. Replace watching fear-mongering news with dinners around the table with loved ones.

How does this apply to work?

Start by outlining any activities you do that take up time but produce little to no results for your actual highest priority goals. Sort all of your activities simply by the results they produce as they relate to your goals.

Then, rank them in order of importance and fill your work schedule with only your highest payoff activities. Once you have filled up your schedule fully for the hours you decide to work, you eliminate or delegate anything left on your activity list.

You will now focus all of your time only on that which produces real results while still allowing you to have a life outside of work. You will have a well-rounded and joyful life while also producing maximum results!

What do you need to eliminate from your schedule today?